Interceptive Orthodontic

What is interceptive orthodontics?

This is a corrective orthodontic measure that may be necessary during the baby teeth or mixed baby and permanent teeth stage to intercept a potential teeth irregularity from progression to a severe orthodontic problem. This includes and not just limited to space maintainers, cross-bite correction, and oral habit cessation treatment. 

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Pediatric Dentist Examining A Little Boys Teeth In The Dentists Chair At The Dental Clinic. Dentist Examining Little Boy's Teeth In Clinic

Why might interceptive orthodontics be needed?

Dr. Ding will carefully assess the growth and development of your child’s teeth, mouth and jaw and recommended if an interceptive orthodontic treatment is necessary. If there is anything that may develop into a larger issue, Dr. Ding may suggest various interceptive orthodontic treatments to prevent future orthodontic problems. 

Who is a good candidate for interceptive orthodontics?

If your child has developed an oral issue that may lead to severe orthodontic problems in the future, they are a good candidate for interceptive orthodontic treatment. If they have issues with their bite, spacing in their mouth, or oral habits that will lead to long term complications with their teeth, this type of orthodontic treatment can be incredibly beneficial to their future oral health.

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What happens during the process for interceptive orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontic treatment differs from patient to patient depending on the individual issues that the child may have. Dr. Ding will have you bring your child in for an exam and consultation so she can assess their individual interceptive orthodontic needs She will develop a customized treatment plan based your child’s needs, ensuring that their teeth and jaw will continue to develop in a way that avoids severe orthodontic issues in the future.

If you think that your child may need interceptive orthodontic treatment, call our office today and our staff will gladly assist you.